Feb 3, 2009

The Perfect Content Science Tool--Just So Happens It Is Way Cool!

Wordle: The Digital CMO

So, here is the ultimate exercise for not faint-at-heart marketing professional who would like to begin taking on content as a science. A way cool tool named Wordle allows you to take your website URL or Corporate Blog feed and get a depiction of your prioritized content.  

Of course, I immediately think of how modern marketing professionals can use it to their advantage:

Exercise One: With the easy print feature on the site, you can print multiple copies and throw them up in the conference room and the hallway and have everyone comment on what they see. Is what you see an accurate depiction of what you are trying to say in the market or is it a big miss? 

Exercise Two: Send your Wordle to your current customers and then to customers who have previously said no.   Ask them to be brutally honest.  Are the key words that stand out what they think of when they think of your brand, your offering, your product? Ask the next level question. The tough question.  What do they think is missing?

Personally, I am feeling pretty good at what I see for the Digital CMO, but I am looking forward to improving on the term I am most about these days...Content Science.

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